In the previous article, we learned about the basics of the assembly’s syntax and managed to create a program with just two instructions. Quite impressive!

We will spend this lesson learning more instructions and use this knowledge to translate the first high-level construct into assembly: conditionals.

Control Transfer Instructions

The sequence of instructions the CPU decodes and executes is called instruction stream. You can picture it as an array whose indices are the addresses of the instructions1.

The currently executed instruction is the one whose address is the value in the rip register, which is why we call it the instruction pointer register.

In pseudo-code, the execution of a program would read something like this

while (!exited) {
  // Fetch the instruction at ``
  instruction = instruction_stream[]
  // Execute the instruction and return the
  // address of the next instruction.
  next_pointer = instruction.execute()
  // Assign the new address to `rip` to fetch
  // a new instruction on next iteration. = next_pointer
  // Handle side effects (we won't look into this)

Most of the time, the execution is linear: instructions are executed one after the other in the order they are coded. Top to bottom. Some instructions, however, can break this convention and are called Control Transfer Instructions (CTIs).

The CTIs we will focus on are categorized as conditional and unconditional, and they make control flow possible in assembly by allowing execution of nonconsecutive instructions. Software interrupts are the other type of CTI; we won’t explicitly touch them here2 since they are tightly intertwined with operative systems beyond the scope of this series.

The first CTI we will explore is jmp (jump).

Unconditional jumps

Jumps allow executing code at an arbitrary position in the instruction stream. All they need to do is update the rip and, on the next cycle, the CPU will pick up the instruction at the new address.

Syntactically, a jump looks like this

jmp label

Where the operand represents the destination instruction.

Almost always, the destination is a label, and in plain English, the instruction above reads: “Continue the execution from the instruction whose label is label.”

The assembler, the software that turns assembly into machine code, translates the labels into a numeric address of the instruction stream and, on execution, it will be assigned to rip as described above.

In fact, numeric addresses and relative offsets to rip are all valid destinations, but they are usually more in vogue among machines than humans. For example, compilers with optimization flags or disassemblers prefer using numeric addressing rather than labels.

The attentive readers will have noticed that the jump we just described does not depend on any condition: if the program reaches that line, it’ll jump. This makes this instruction unconditional.

Let’s see an example in action.

We will use the same hello world example from the first lesson. We will make it more human-readable by introducing jumps to break the code into smaller chunks. En passant, we will introduce numeric constants to remove magic numbers from our code.

Conditional Jumps

As you might have guessed, we will implement conditional control flow using conditional CTIs and in particular conditional jumps. Don’t worry – we’ve already laid the groundwork with jumps, and conditional jumps are just an extension of the same concept.

Coming from high-level languages, you might be used to versatile conditional statements like if, unless, or when. Assembly takes a different approach. Instead of a few all-purpose conditionals, it provides a large number of specialized instructions for specific checks.

Fortunately, these instructions follow logical naming conventions that make them easier to remember.

Let’s check an example out:

jne label

Here, label refers to an instruction in our code, just like we saw with unconditional jumps. In plain English, this would read “Jump to label, if Not Equal.”

The following table provides mappings to navigate the most common conditional jumps3:

Letter Meaning
j (prefix) jump
n not
z zero
e equals
g greater than
l less than

Here’s a few more examples:

  • je label: “jump if equal”
  • jge label: “jump if greater than or equal”
  • jnz label: “jump if not zero”

These instructions do exactly what their names suggest: if the condition is met, the program jumps to the destination label. If not, it simply continues to the next line. Just like with unconditional jumps, these destinations can also be specified numerically.

Now, you might be wondering: “Equal to what?” “Greater than what?” “Zero compared to what?”

Let us answer these questions diving into the mechanics behind comparisons in assembly, introducing a special register that plays a crucial role in this process: the eflags register.


The eflags is a 32-bit register that stores various flags. Unlike general-purpose registers, eflags is read bit by bit, with each position representing a specific flag. You can think of these flags as a set of boolean values built right into the CPU. When a bit is 1, the corresponding flag is true, and when it’s 0, the flag is false.

EFLAGS layout

Flags serve multiple purposes4, but for our discussion, they’re used to provide context after an operation. For instance, if an addition results in zero, the overflow flag (OF) can tell us whether this is due to an actual zero result or an overflow. They are relevant to us, since flags are how assembly stores the results of comparisons.

In this section we will only look at the following flags:

  • the zero flag (ZF), set to 1 when an operation results in zero;
  • the sign flag (SF), set to 1 when the result of an operation is negative.

The cmp (compare) instruction is one common way of performing comparisons:

cmp rax, rbx

This instruction subtracts the second operand from the first without storing the result. Instead, it sets flags based on the comparison. For example:

  • If the operands are equal, the zero flag (ZF) is set to 1.
  • If the first operand is greater than the second, the sign flag (SF) is set to 0.

With this understanding, the meaning of conditional jumps should become clear:

  • “jump if equal” (je) translates to “jump if ZF=1”
  • “jump if greater than or equal” (jge) means “jump if SF=0 or ZF=1”
  • “jump if not zero” (jnz) translates to “jump if ZF=0”5

At last, conditionals

We are now, finally, ready to write conditionals in assembly. Joy!

Consider this simple pseudo-code:

if rax == rbx 

In assembly, we can express this logic as follows:

; Compare values in rax and rbx
cmp rax rbx
; If they are the equal, jump to `success`
je success
; Else, jump to `error`
jmp error

This assembly code first compares the values in the rax and rbx registers using the cmp instruction. Then, it uses conditional and unconditional jumps (je and jmp) to control the program flow based on the comparison result.

Let’s look at another example. Enough hello world. This time around we build a serious software that performs an addition and checks if the result is what we expect. Very serious.


We made it, friends! We’ve explored the fundamental building blocks of control flow in assembly language.

We’ve learned about Control Transfer Instructions (CTIs), focusing on unconditional and conditional jumps. We’ve seen how the instruction pointer (rip) guides program execution and how jumps manipulate this flow. We’ve delved into the eflags register and its crucial role in comparisons, understanding how flags like the zero flag (ZF) and sign flag (SF) inform conditional operations. Finally, combining the cmp instruction with jumps, we’ve constructed the assembly equivalent of high-level language conditionals.

While jumps enable basic control flow, they can make code hard to follow. In our next article, we’ll introduce the equivalent of functions: a way to execute code from elsewhere while maintaining a linear flow. You’ll see how this approach mirrors procedural code in high-level languages, making assembly more intuitive and organized.

  1. This mental model is not entirely made up. Emulators, software emulating systems on other hardware, usually represent instruction streams as arrays. If you are interested in emulation, CHIP-8 is a great place to start and this a good guide to get your hands dirty. 

  2. I say explicitly because, for example, the syscall instruction may issue an interrupt. The cooperation between operative systems and user programs makes for a fascinating world in its own right and discussing it here would do it no justice. If you are curious, you can consult any operative systems book. Personal recommendation, OSTEP and in particular this chapter

  3. For a complete overview refer to the Intel Software Developer Manuals (SDM), in the “Jump if Condition is Met” section. 

  4. Once again, the complete list can be found in the Intel Software Developer Manuals (SDM). The section to look for is “EFLAGS Register”. 

  5. Note how checking for equality and checking for zero is essentially the same thing.